Ayurvedic Colleges in Dehradun
Looking for Ayurvedic Colleges in Dehradun? College Forum helps you to find out the best Ayurvedic colleges in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Here you can get overall information about the course, Fee structure, Eligibility, Syllabus, Scope, etc.

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Ayurveda, a Natural arrangement of medication, started in India over 3,000 years prior. The term Ayurveda is gotten from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or information). Accordingly, Ayurveda means information on life. In light of the possibility that illness is because of a lopsidedness or stress in an individual’s awareness, Ayurveda empowers specific way of life intercessions and normal treatments to recapture a harmony between the body, psyche, soul, and the climate.